Friday, 30 September 2011

The hiatus of shame

Gh... I didn't resist from playing to little carpenter again... I like too much, sorry... I can't be helped... When the cat flap for my Maya has knocked to my door (in my mind it was in this way) and then it winked to the bedroom door, and then Maya blinked to me (in my mind it was soooo  touching) I had to intervene to save all my friends! Drill! Jigsaw! Screwdriver! Files for wood! Bzzzzz... Trrrrrrr... Scrrrrrrrr... For my cat and beyond!!! è__é/
Now Maya is happier than ever, even my sleep. But nails a lot less... All broken, splitted, crushed with a lot of little holes... Gh. I feel too ashamed to show my nails now, so... I'll wait until they grow up again, or I'll do some comparisons with false tips, at least.

Yesterday morning, taking advantage of this beautiful september spring! ;D

My hands are not well, neither... I've cat-sitted for my neighbour few days ago, and his cat is a bit... Ehr... A bit on the defensive... I think I bled to death if my neighbour delayed his comeback to home... By the way, I love her anyway! *__*

Macchia was wondering what the hell I did in her house! 

See you soon (I hope...) \^__^/


  1. Gorgeous Maya! She knows you love her so much that you can sacrifice even nails for her!
    BTW Macchia is so cute (nasty, but cute)!
    Ma perché ho scritto in inglese (e non so nemmeno come)?

  2. She's sleeping on the dresser because I'm not in bed this night, just to stay "vischini viscini"! *^__^*
    Actually is sweeter than usual after I mounted her mini door... Ahw *___*
    Macchia is terrible and terrific at the same time <3
    Fermami, tanto so di aver scritto cose senza senso :P

  3. Hi,
    So sorry about your hands. Cats can be fussy sometimes huh? I love your cat. She is beautiful!

    Take care,

  4. Thank you, but cat scrathes are signs of love (more or less ahahahah) ;D

  5. ahhh, Maya is soo sweet!

  6. Aw, hi kitties! Hope your nails recover soon!

  7. Ma Maya si fa mettere anche il guinzaglio? Ma che brava... *_*
    E sbrigati a tornare, disgraziella! ;)
    Ah, ovviamente congratulescions per i 100 follouerz! :* (anche se ne deserveresti molti di più!)

  8. Zì, l'ho abituata fin da piccina con pettorina e guinzaglio, perchè da sola col cavolo che esce, sia perchè è sorda, sia perchè è scema e, se vede una foglia che si muove, la rincorre finchè si ferma, poi si accorge di essere finita in Germania, tipo... Però all'inizio non ti dico le scene che faceva, da premio oscar della criptonite!!! Da allora uno dei suoi soprannomi è "la povera piccola gattina paraplegica", si mette in pose da disabile facendoci credere che la pettorina le tolga ogni alito di vita.. X°D

    Forse oggi faccio un post ;D

  9. Maya is so cute! Hope your nails grow back fast.

  10. Bel blog, e sei brava in inglese..complimenti ^^

    Io mi sono appena iscritta ^ ^


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