Sunday 20 November 2011


Hi dears! This is the first of a weekly series of posts, unless I won't have nothing to say for a week... ;P
This blog was born for a purpose: improve my manicure skills. Stop. This is possible sharing my nail polish swatches, showing my nail art tries and watching with careful the differences of finish, color and formula doing comparisons.
My pathological logorrea makes me desire to have more free-talks. In my nail polish posts I do the review and I write a small presentation, but I feel limited, because I don't want to create chaos to the followers.
The solution could be a weekly post where I can put all my bullshit together, yay! I'll talk about my hauls, my wishlist items, modifications to this blog, polls, interesting/curious links I want to let you know like blog posts and awards and giveaways, more something about me: my interests, my cat, myself, my house, your house (no, your house... no, actually...), my whatever! If you want to read just about nail polish, I suggest to avoid the Totally Random Sunday posts. Au contraire... You're welcome to my weekly chaotic world. ;)
Totally Random Sunday
posts will be scheduled on Sundays at 12:00 GMT

See ya!!! ;D


  1. Ebbbbrava! Aspetto con ansia di leggere il post random di domenica prossima ;-) Mi piace molto anche l'idea dell'anteprima relativa ai prossimi post "smaltosi": ottimo, ottimo, ottimo! ^___^

  2. Aspetto con ansia le chiacchiere random (vuoi info sulla mia casa :-P?)

  3. Non so cosa ci sarà la prossima settimana, penso che aggiungerò qualcosa al post ogni volta che mi viene in mente, poi la domenica si pubblica da solo ;D

  4. No davvero, potrebbe essere che decido di fare anche io questa cosa XDD


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