Monday, 22 August 2011

Kiko - 335 Blu Inchiostro

My nails... Adios again... ç___ç My nails are weak, I know: they are fragile if they grow up 2 mm over fingers and brittle on the edge with pleasure. The situation is going better after 2 months of Poshé treatment, but I need for more time, yet. Anyway, I went to the beach this current week and my nails, as soon as they saw the beach (that bitch!), they instantly committed suicide, so I had to cut them again to zero! I have to say it, and I'll say it in italian, because it will work better: ECCHECCAZZO! X°D

I'm very very happy about this polish. I recently read a review a bit disappointed about coverage and color name of this polish, but... First of all, this is a jelly! It HAS TO be no totally opaque, and, sincerely, actually it's very opaque for being a jelly... First time I wore this beauty I needed for 3 coats, this time I needed only for 2 of them, and thin, too! About the color name, instead: usually I'm the first one I laugh a bit on random names of kikos, but this time I agree with the name. "Ink blue" is not intended as dark dark dark opaque opaque opaque shade like a ballpoint pen, but this color reminds me a lot to those bottle of ink used for technical drawing many years ago, when CAD didn't exist, yet. When I was young... During the Middle Age, in short... X°D Another interesting note is about its long duration: I went to the beach 2 days with it, and only my index and middle fingers are a bit chipped, a real miracle for me! Soooo. Adviced polish, YES!


  1. Questo ce l'ho anch'io, e mi piace da morire! E' stato il mio primo Layla e l'ho sempre chiamato "Blu Bic". xD

  2. Macchia? Anyway è il classico colore super figo in boccetta (per me) che compro e poi staziona nella scatola perché non mi ispira più! Per le unghie: peccato (ma la spiaggia fa super danni)! Hai mai provato a fare una cura "casalinga" o meglio casereccia con olio di oliva e olio essenziale di limone per "idratarle"? La butto lì, eh!

  3. Sorprendentemente, no, non macchia per GNente, e l'ho tenuto su quasi 4 giorni! Però è comunque molto pigmentato, infatti togliendolo meglio stare attenti alle cuticole per non perderci troppo tempo :)
    Per le unghie ho provato un po' di tutto, ma sono proprio geneticamente fragili (però con burt's bees o lush lemony flutter e la base trattante poshè sta andando molto meglio), in più io sono un po' un maschiaccio e adoro fare lavori in casa col trapano, col legno, e cose del genere, sarebbe comunque impossibile per me tenerle più lunghe di un paio di mm oltre il dito, e così mi accontento per poter ravanare e grattare in giro allegramente... XD

  4. Anonymous23/8/11 12:01

    Ma dai che questa lunghezza ti sta d'incanto e va bene per questo colore così acceso! Per toglierlo senza macchiare le cuticole, prova ad imbevere il dischetto di cotone e lasciarcelo sopra per una dozzina di minuti (ovviamente scotchiato attrono al dito e avvolto nella carta stagnola). Fidati ;)

  5. Ah sìsì! Ottima tecnica! La uso quella per i glitter (quando non si sfogliano da soli dopo un bel bagnetto caldo *yuk*), ma con sto caldo infernale mi faceva claustrofobia perfino tappare le dita XD

  6. Anonymous23/8/11 13:08

    Sigh, non ho più la vasca, per cui niente più bagnetto caldo caldo rilassante e sfoglia-glitter. Vedila così, col caldo i tempi di applicazione diminuiscono. ;)

  7. What a beauty! :) Its a pity about your nails though the current length looks good on you too.

  8. very nice jelly it's a beautiful blue, I don't think Ive heard of that brand, sorry about your nails mine were like that and what helped was keeping them moisturized not any particular oil or butter but just using it a couple times a day I saw huge improvement.

  9. Thank you for your advice, I'll surely try everything until my nails will be stronger! This morning 3 nails were broken again, because I went to the beach again yesterday, but I don't care so much, actually: they grow fast and the peaceful into the water worths more than nails length!
    Moreover, these days I received a bunch of false nails so I'm busy about creating my personal "database" and I don't do any manicure :P
    At the end I hope to do a lot of useful comaprisons ^^

  10. P.S. if you would try kikos or other italian or europen brand I have access to (Essence, Catrice, Pupa...), feel free to ask for a purchase! I'm pinkslipped these months, so I have free time to go to buy for other people (I have no money but if I can help other people to get some polishes) ^^


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