Saturday, 22 October 2011

[b]basic - Desierto Seco

Another [b]basic post! This one, shame on me, is quite impossible to find, so I think reviewing this polish makes me a bitch... I'll accept it, but I have to, sorry! ;P
First of all, a small introductory overview of this brand (again, but I have a lot of new followers, so I think it's better saying it one more time): [b]basic is the official makeup line of Schlecker drugstores. You can find this chain of stores in Germany, Austria, Italy, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Portugal, Poland and Czech Republic. These makeups are veeeeery cheap for European standards and, for this reason, they are a lot underrated, maybe because they seem cheap in a bad way? I don't know, but is a fact [b]basic is inexplicably unknown, even in the polish blogger circuit. Why? They are so cheap (0,99 euro cents for 5 ml and 1,29 euro cents for 8 ml), and the color range is small but interesting and the quality is more than acceptable sometimes, and amazing some other times.
I'm going to keep on reviewing all my [b]basic polishes, and my next giveaway will have only [b]basic products as price to promote this brand, since I think it's wonderful, especially for European polishers that have to spend a lot of money more than American ladies to buy their pressssciouses. ç__ç
Sorry for long blabbing today ;P

I love browns and this one is not an exception for me. I already own several bronzed browns, but this shade is something different from the others. It's a color with a grey tone when it's in the shade or undirect light, like a rock of the desert; but it brings out its yellowish face under the sun or direct artificial light, with an embarassing amount of antique gold, olive green and dark red micro-sparkle parts.
Application is very good (but don't be shy with number of coats: be brave and the polish will award you! è_é/), but duration a bit less. 
If you want to see another review for this beautiful polish, click here to read the post. Alice, owner of Mai senza smalto blog, also wrote about this polish. My photos are with the yellow tone, and her pics are with the grey one, so you'll see all faces of this amazing product!


  1. Bello! L'ho visto oggi allo Schlecker! *__*

  2. *scusa ho cancellato il messaggio di prima, scritto con l'altro account*
    Adesso che ho visto le tue foto (bellissime) mi è venuta voglia di riprovarlo; grazie per il link a proposito! Tra l'altro ne ho trovata una boccetta alla Schlecker di Viale Europa a UD e stavo quasi per prenderla, "che non si sa mai mi serva una scorta"...
    Anch'io lovvo la Schlecker!!
    PS ma i grandi "normali" i 5501 per capirci, ora costano 2,09€ da me!

  3. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHH, non sapete quanto vi invidi per avere la Schlecker! Questo colore è bellissimo e portabile pur essendo molto, molto particolare. *_* Invidia! Buona domenica! ;)

  4. Basic = Essence in case you didn't know ;-)

    I have several Basic polishes (this one too, all 3 of this collection) and they are amazing! Glad to see them swatched here!!

  5. @ele: e non l'hai preso? paaaaazza!

    @aly: schlecker is love, per i basic, la carta igienica, la lettiera della gatta in cristalli, e la coca cola decaffeinata! XD proverò a vedere i prezzi post-aumento-iva -__-

    @beatles: ma basta che chiedi e ti sarà dato, no? ;D cmq per il giveaway farò un set completo, anche con solvente, dischetti e accessori :)

    @ruth: essence = basic???? I didn't know at all!!! But... Why do they hate so much basic line? Doesn't exist a catalogue, a website, nothing! ç__ç By the way, you'll always see basic swatches here, because there are 14 (FOURTHEEN!!!) schleckers into a range of 15 km from my house! ;D

  6. I don't think they hate it, it's just another way of doing business. They produce for Schlecker in an anonymous way (to the public at least) and because it's a low-cost product it wouldn't make any sense to have catalogues & publicity, that's all :-)

  7. Alla Beatles lassù io glieli ho mandati dei Basic, ma il Sevilla non l'ho più trovato :(
    Cmq devo decidermi a provarlo perchè io al tempo l'avevo preso!

  8. @ruth: I can understand this, but it's still sad, poor basic polishes, so underrated, so alone... ç__ç

    @simona: ben fatta! ;D

  9. Ah, dici che dovevo comprarlo? XD c'era anche la versione rossa, che mi piaceva di più. Ma ho promesso che non compro niente per un'altra settimana! :D Aspetto il giveaway, sono curiosa di vedere che hai preparato!!
    Però se serve a qualcuno posso andare a vedere se c'è ancora (penso proprio di sì...)


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