Thursday 1 December 2011

Orly - Fowl Play

No blah blah blah this time, I've done enough in Totally Random Sunday #2 post. ;P

I'll be honest: it's hard to speak about this polish. Why? Expectations. Everyone knows that's this polish is a dupe of the famous OPI - Merry Midnight, a huge lemming for any nail polish fan. In my case I just wanted a flakies different from what I already own, and a purple base with red/blue flakies was a total attraction for me. Pics on the net were beautiful, too. Then it came, and it was simply beautiful in its bottle, so bright and reflecting with all those peculiar colors, I was charmed.
But... When I applied it on my nails, it has revelead that's very sheer, and I was a bit disappointed, because all swatches I've seen before were without a base polish under this one. But, whatever, I have no fear for 1, 2 or even 3 coats more. Just... Any single coat darkened the base more and more, and the purple jelly was closer and closer to an eggplant shade almost black. Sigh.
Final result is what you can see in the pics above: the first one is under bulblight, and the second one is outdoor. In the end this is a very nice polish, really, I don't want to be a complaining person, because I can't deny that's Fowl Play is absolutely a very pretty shade, just... Keep in mind what I've written.
Next time I'll wear this polish I'll try it over a fuchsia base or a ridge filler, I'm sure it will be closer what I've expected for and my disappointment will be rduced a lot. ^_^/


  1. Lo dico o non lo dico? Ok, lo dico, nonostante il rischio linciaggio: a me questo smalto non mi ha mai attirata particolarmente!!! E' carino sì, ma non ho mai compreso perché ci si scannasse a colpi di offerte mirabolanti su Ebay per averlo. Cioè, a comprarlo a prezzo base (sui 4$) ci starei, ma 30-40$ anche no! :D

  2. Noooooooo! Anch'io, attirata dagli swatch-i flakosi (ma come parlo oggi?) ho ceduto e l'ho ordinato, certo non lasciandoci lo scalpo su Ebay ma occupando un posticino nella scatola da 9 di Transdesign, che spero arrivi presto.
    Però mi piace, nelle tue foto!

  3. Io ho l'originale Merry Midnight (preso ai tempi in US) e ti posso dire che l'unico modo per far risaltare quello è metterne uno strato solo, massimo due, ma su un colore simile bello coprente.

  4. Gnomissima, guarda il lato positivo della cosa: non l'hai comprato! ;-)

  5. @cri: sullo scannamento per l'opi a colpi di mega aste non comprendo manco io, però a me piacciono troppo i flakies, e questa combo di colori proprio mi mancava, quindi speravo tanto in un dupe, e quando è arrivato... yay!
    @aly: casomai provalo, a differenza di me, con ridge filler o base fucsia medio-chiara, così non si perde strato dopo strato! ;D
    @stregalice: bene che me ne dai conferma, grazie!!!
    @dany: ah no? io ormai avevo perso il conto, pensavo facesse parte delle cose in cambio! XD


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