Friday, 9 September 2011

Milani - Red Sparkle + Essence - Black Out + scotch tape

I'm not able to choose from the bunch of pics I made to this mani: eight images is as less as I can. I hope you'll like it, I hope you'll love these polishes as I do, and I hope you'll try this funny and classy at the same time design with scotch tape. I was inspired from 2 blogs: The Posh Polish who catched my attention proposing sparkly tips using a polish I own and I love in this post, and my usual scotch-tape muse Nailside who made it in a lovely marine style on this entry.
Cold light

Warm light

Indoor natural light

Camera flash

This is the last polish I own from this Milani collection and I say again that it's another success. I have no more words for these amazing really-almost-one coat glitters, and pics speak by themselves. Sparkly is not enough for them, and the saturation of the color is so high in this red shade that camera had many difficulties about catch it, as you can see in few photos. As i wrote before, the final surface is rough, so you'll need for a generous ammount of top coat if you are searching for a gloss finish. A pain in the ass to remove, but you could avoid this pain with a long hot bath, probably the polish will go away as a decal after that. Only for this kind of polish this is a gift of God, you'll make it easily if you'll apply a thick coat of base-coat at the beginning of your mani. ;)
Love love love this black polish. It's a slightly satin finish, almost matte, and the formula is very good. Perfect as base, since it's very opaque in just one coat, this time I used two coats to work better on the edge. It's getting thick but some drops of thinner will fix everything, but a good shake before polishing any single nail was enough for now. The matte finish was good, but I added a matte top coat more! :P
I'm really impressed from this top coat in a very good way! Just... It will be discontinued within  few days... Luckily I have 3 bottles (I bought a one more right this morning) in my stash.


  1. That looks amazing gnoma! Love the sparkly/matt contrast, thanks for sharing the link with me :)

  2. Thank you! Usually I have a very bad memory and I can't remember which idea I took from, but whenever my brain helps me, I think you deserve a mention!!! ;D

  3. This is so gorgeous! It looks absolutely fabulous on your nails =D. I really love the color combination you used too!

  4. Thank you! :D
    It was hard making scotch lines as thin as I could (have you got tips or tricks about perfect scissors for this "operation"?), but it was necessary because my short nails, anyway I'm not complaining about it anymore, I think this will be my ideal lenght, it's just impossible don't use them as tools to me. :P

  5. Ma è stupenda! Che bel contrasto di colori e finish *ç*

  6. Spettacolooooo! Peccato che siano i colori del Milan, ghghgh! Naturalmente scherzo, anche perché qui il punto è un altro: perché non ho smalti della Milani?????

  7. Your mani is gorgeous!

  8. @elsa: gVazie! :D

    @cristina: io ne ho 7: questi 4 one coat glitter + il dotcom + 2 3d holo, solo che mia cugina vuole a tutti i costi tutti e 5 i glitter e mo' il prossimo ordine americano chissà quando sarà, non ho nessuno in partenza per la terra santa degli smalti ç__ç in europa ancora non sono riuscita a trovarli, se tu hai qualche dritta... casomai si può ordinare dagli usa ma far spedire in germania da una mia amica, che è più sicuro, se e quando sarà, ti interessa? ;D

    @sandra: thank you veeeeeeeeeery much! :D

  9. Wow! This looks phantastic! Really, really nice - I love it!

  10. WOW! Beautiful!
    Love that you switch colors for the ring finger!

  11. I'm the only one blogger with the middle finger as accent nail! XD But I have my (insane) reasons for this! XD

  12. davvero una bellissima idea!!

  13. Grazie mille! Confesso che quel tipo di french la vedo di solito su ragazze con unghie decisamente più lunghe e sottili delle mie, e temevo non stesse bene sulle mie, corte e ciccione, invece devo ricredermi, devo rifarlo con altri colori e finish! *__*


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