Thursday, 15 December 2011

NYX - Emerald Forest + stickers

I'm in a hurry, so no blabbing, for your pleasure :P

And a short video in my bathroom,
because there is the best light for sparkling nail polishes. :P
Such a beautiful polish... In my wishlist there was since ever Zoya - Ivanka, but I didn't have chance to order it, for some reason. Then I found that this NYX shade was a dupe of the Zoya one, or almost a dupe, so I took advantage from a Cherry Culture order made with few friends last summer. Finally it's mine and I'm very happy about it: it's a fresh forest green extremely sparkling with a subtle golden microglitter into it. The color changes a bit with different lights, as you can see in the pics above. Nothing to say about application, just I thought it was more opaque, but I'm not scared for a coat more. Spring but even Christmassy, what do you want more than this? ;D
I don't know the brand of these stickers, sorry. Actually I don't know the brand of none of my stickers, because I cut them to storage them into plastic boxes and I always throw away the packaging... :P Anyway, I'm sure to have bought these ones from Nail Design Euro Discount, a great German store.


  1. So sparkly! I Love it! Gno, ancora scusa per il ritardo con cui ti ho mandato tutto ç__ç
    Il video rende magnificamente!!

  2. Bello!! Ma ormai ho Ivanka e mi accontento!! Quando vedo le tue foto mi viene voglia di stickers, poi quando devo farmi le mani me ne dimentico!!

  3. @caligine: ma va làààà che sei la mia pusher più preziosa!!! <3

    @alice: quando ho letto l'inizio "quando vedo le tue foto" temevo il peggio XD

  4. Che bello sbriluccicoso! :D Io non possiedo né l'Ivanka né questo, ma siccome non sono una grande amante del verde non ne ho sofferto troppo XD Però questo è davvero molto interessante, non riesco a capire se sia un mix di glitter e shimmer o cosa :D

  5. Davvero, similissimo ad Ivanka! Prossimo giro mi sa che qualche NYX lo accatterò pure io, mi state tendando enormemente ;-)


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