Monday, 20 February 2012

Sephora - 67 Moody Woman

Few words about my cuticles and nails: as in the previous post, and in this one (and in the next three or four posts will be posted in the future), they are a disaster! I was ashamed to show you them, for this reason I delayed this moment and I had to use more photoshop than usual. Hope you are not angry for this, but I had a lot of other things on my mind and I forgot to take care of my nails. >_<

This is hard to speak about. Why? First of all, because my camera didn't catch the duochrome effect as well as it is for real, that's quite close to the one you can see from the bottle (but there aren't the red and the yellow to the bottom of the bottle, that was my sweater's reflection ;P). Secondly, I usually love flat and wide brushes, but Sephora (and also Dior) goes too far on this, and I couldn't apply the polish easily, neither precisely. The only exception are Isadora brushes, that are perfect even with a very flat and very wide shape, but this is off topic. For these reason I can just say this polish is very pretty: it is a pretty color, it has a pretty duochrome effect; lasts pretty long; and has a pretty finish. Everything is pretty except the brush. I have no big complaints and I have no big commpliments for it, just... Pretty. ^_^


  1. Molto carino! Credevo fosse più verde!

  2. Quindi anche tu concordi col pretty? :P
    In realtà è un po' più verde che dalle foto, come spero di aver scritto in modo comprensibile l'effetto finale è molto simile a come si vede dalla bottiglietta ;)

  3. Continuo a domandarmi se comprarlo o meno. L'unica cosa che mi frena è il prezzo...e il pennello :P

  4. Credo sia l'unico dei tre Sephora che ho che non mi è stato regalato, ma l'ho anche preso dopo una visita medica un po' deprimente, quindi non sono abbastanza obiettiva per dire se l'avrei comprato comunque. Ciò non toglie che sia pretty, eh! XD

  5. Pretty, pretty! ^____^

  6. Bello, mi piace (dai uno smalto "pretty" così vale la pena)!! Io l'ho comprato e mandato in Brasile per uno swappo ma mi sono "consolata" con il Deborah Scarabeo. I pennelli larghi sono belli, ma quando sono troppo larghi diventano fastidiosi (tipo i Catrice delle ultime LE).


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