Monday 29 August 2011

Zoya - Faye + Vampy Varnish "Share Yourself #1" event

I wore this polish the 10th of august, but I had to wait before posting about it, why? Because I attended a new amazing idea launched by Kelly of Vampy Varnish blog. This contest/event/both will present any month  few bloggers with a selection of 1 or 2 images (unpublished before), sent to Kelly by mail. She will consider all entries received and she will show some of them in her blog after the 20th of any month. The great idea is called Share Yourself and you can find the rules here.
What all this has to do with me and the Zoya polish swatched? Well... I submitted to Share Yourself and I had to wait until the entry with results was posted, because those images had to never seen before in the web. Anyway, Kelly choose my photos and I was in the Share Yourself vol. 1 selection!!! YAY!!!!! I know this isn't a big deal in the life, I know I'm not a little girl anymore, but... I have to admit it: I was really excited to see my pics in her blog for many reasons I can't explain because I'm an extroverted person, but I'm very bad about thanks, compliments and this kind of stuff... I'm bad to receiving them, too! Just... Thank you to Kelly, she made my day, my week and maybe she made my entire month, this is my best way to express my joy with this media. If I knew her in everyday life, she could see my happiness by my 856 teeth smile in this moment. Thank you. Again. ;D

Then... The polish swatched hereunder! I received this polish for my bday as gift: Daniela made me this cute surprise and, although I'm not into pinks (pink is my cryptonite!!! D: ), this one is amazing, anyway, and I'm sooooo happy to own it and I'm sooooo grateful to Dany for this wonderful gift! ^___^

And a short video... P.S.: no, I don't live in a doghouse! ^__^;
This polish has many faces: it's pink in the sunlight (but a tolerable pink LOL) and it's almost copper in the evenings and it's a mix of both indoor, and it's beautiful anytime. Moreover it looks like a suede in the shadow and sparkles a lot under the light and and... And it's simply beautiful. Did I already mentioned the gold flakes? No? There are. And they are beautiful, of course. You (yes, YOU!) need this polish, I know it!!! :D


  1. Quando l'ho visto ho pensato: evvai!! Sventolando mentalmente la bandiera italiana :-)

  2. Evvvvvai! Molto ma molto bene, congratulescionz e lo Zoya Faye fa semplicemente paura da quanto è bello! ;)

  3. Grassie ragasse!!! :D E per fortuna che col caldo che faceva avevo le cuticole super morbidose, perchè kelly aveva espressamente chiesto di non fare photoshop, altrimenti le foto sono impietose! XD
    Partecipate anche voi, dai!!! :D

  4. Ahahahah! Son proprio contenta ti sia piaciuto, comunque, anche se sembra rosa, non lo è! (per questo te l'ho regalato...) E' un mauve! Dalla definizione del sito Zoya: "Faye can be best described as a bronzed mauve with purple and brown undertones flooded with bright gold sparkle. A unique gilded shade that will work in any season".

    A parte tutto, l'importante è che sia stupOndo e che ti soddisfi ;-)


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